Aluminum Casting

Aluminum Alloys poured include:
356 | A356 (T6)
Aluminum Melting Capabilities Include:
7 Electric Resistance Furnaces - 2400 lb Capacity / EA
1 Natural Gas Fired Furnace - 600 lb Capacity
2 Metal-Flux Degassing Rigs
Brass & Bronze Casting

Alloys Poured include:
836 Lead Free Brass (89833 and/or 89836)
956 Silicon Bronze
848 Lead Free Brass
954 Aluminum Bronze
955 Aluminum Bronze
801 Pure Copper
We can furnish a full alloy list upon request.
​Melting Capabilities Include:
3 Lift Swing Induction Furnaces
2 Tilt-Up Induction Brass Furnaces
Disa Green Sand Molding

Overall, our automated green sand processes allows for a wide range of volumes - from prototypes to 50,000+ eau's.
Our latest Automated Molding system includes a 20 X 24 Disa molding line. This horizontal molding technology is seriously fast and helps our customers obtain maximum efficiencies to go with economical tooling costs.
Overall, our automated green sand processes allows for a wide range of volumes - from prototypes to 50,000+ eau's.
Automated Palmer Air Set

Our automated Air Set line delivers Real Value when it comes to the complex and the larger-scale casting profiles. Here on the Palmer line we are able to utilize complex core and gating systems to meet the needs of the most complex casting design as well as larger castings that can range up to 400 lbs. Whether it's prototyping or thousands of castings.
Our automated Air Set adds a major versatility factor to our casting capability profile.
Complete Pattern Shop

Fully equipped pattern shop
Journeyman pattern makers
Collaboration with your engineers
Casting Design Consultation
Green Sand, Air Set patterns, Core Boxes
Low cost gating, rigging, & converting of tools
Prototyping, short-run, and production tools.
3-D printed tooling and molding
Secure & fire proof pattern library.
Efficient pattern racking storage
Full CNC
Machine Shop

Machine Shop includes:​
12,000 Sq Ft In-house Facility
25+ Vertical, Horizontal Machining Centers and Turning Center
2 CNC Ziess Contura CMM's
​Automated Tool Crib​
(5) Two Ton Cranes
Proven AIAG Compliant Validation Services Visual Inspection of all Castings
Cellular Manufacturing